I couldn’t leave Paris without one last shopping excursion, so we snuck over to the flea market and picked up some fab little dresses! It was so great to see the “farmers market” having been a corn girl these 6 years! It was dreamy seeing the rows and rows of fruits and veggies…I would love cooking here, there are such great bases to start with! I also grabbed a pastry…don’t leave Paris without one…as I headed to the much anticipated London!
We arrived, though the English Channel, no collapses or leaks…thanks for the illustration Dave! And am now here in London…I think I was most excited for London, because about 10 years ago, my little 13 year old self got her own little passport and planed her excursion to England with my sister who had gotten home…with big dreams in my head and a sister in college it was no time till she found her man and my trip was postponed till another day…today! England was all I expected and more, everything familiar but enhanced…older, newer, brighter, greener, wetter, richer, higher, farther…just right! If you can’t tell…I’m pretty sure I want to live here forever! After checking in at our South Kensington address…some great college flats that could use a bit of a face lift, but had a toilet, shower and bed…what I’ve found is all I need…oh an bonus a kitchen so we can cook and hopefully not eat out quite so much. Across from our 8’ windows is high end So. Kensington homes, so needless to say the area was really nice and I felt so privileged to be there.
Funny Stories…So unpacking our stuff…we were finally staying in one place for longer than 5 days we all picked our wardrobe…well with out warning my Jenna friend coming in at 5”4 and maybe 80 lbs soaking wet was encased in the wardrobe…it had come down right on top of her…from underneath in her kind polite Jenna-snow white-esk voice, “a, guys, can you help get this off of me…I was sure she would be a Jenna pancake, but because of her mouse like size it landed doors open right over her. Between the slanting floors and press board wardrobe, we felt it best not to use it…
Off we went to get us some goods, some groceries…we went to what I think was just a English Walmart…Sainsbury…and got enough food to last a few days…I’ve never been so excited to pick out bread and veggies, and of course stocked up on some must have Hob Nobs…more to come on my love obsession with these oatmeal, chocolate covered dreams…we headed back and put our overpriced goods in a hope this thing works fridge…yeah so didn’t work…fridge freezes, freezer-fridge! Frozen lettuce, tomatoes, cheese, eggs…not good!
Off we went for our orientation of soggy London…not to self, bring umbrella next time you come to Europe…were on umbrella number 2 at this point…that’s about $18! We took a quick peak at Big Ben in all his Glory, Parliament, Westminster Abbey, Buckingham Palace, London Eye…all surrounding the majestic Thames River. London was full of energy, as the sunset sky faded from oranges and pinks, to deep blues the city lights illuminated the city and reflected in the river. We headed back home and made dinner…yeah cooking…whipped us up a little pizza (I know wrong country for Italian…but remember…I left my heart there!) some salad and tomatoes and a great little combo of French dressing with olive oil for our baguette! Gourmet if you ask me. I had a fun night getting to finally talk to my parents after a few days without hearing there cute voices…and still no baby…the count down begins! I’m having a hard time going to bed because all I want to do is go see more of London…I heart London!
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