Kids pick up the darndest things! My nephews and neice are Rock Stars!
- Aggie Adventures (1)
Blog Archive
- Kids pick up the darndest things! My nephews and ...
- Hardman Halloween Party, it's as good as Christmas!
- Kate and Me at the Hockey game...we spent more tim...
- So...This is what I've been working on for the las...
- Grandpee
- I always wanted to live in the...
- To funny not to share!
- This is my new favorite thing on you tube...You kn...
- Sweet Niblets!
This is Dave giving Carter his first apple bobbing experience! Anytime water and kids are involved it's a winner experience!
This is my pumpkin, I named her, Stella! With eye lashes like those you have to have a good name to pull them off
Julianne's little pumpkin, ahh how cute is that!
You can't tell in the picture, but I'm pretty green! I spun so fast to try to beat the long running Dave Karissa streak! I wanted to puke!
Ah, look at my cute little Pocahontas Mommy and John Smith Pappy! Good Sports!
Cute little Monkey and Me!
So...This is what I've been working on for the last 2 my friend...I've lovingly named The HOBBIT HOTEL!
This model helped me figure out what I didn't have done, which kinda sucked, but in the end my little house turned out pretty good! I still have lot of work to next due date is Nov.6th, all my drawings are due...aHHH! I'm a little freaked out cause I still have yet to learn how to draw some of them.
I'll leave you with one more fun project that I've been working on. This one is from my photoshop's me, in 3 tones!~
Well hopefully now you all belive I'm in Logan for working purposes despite the tales I have told of late night playing and such! I'm no lazy bone, not this motto...Work Hard, Play Hard! Hey Hardman! I get it, the stars have finally aligned!
John "Jack" Hardman 1916-2008
Grandpa pasted away this morning, as I layed in bed a little percleped, I couldn't help but remember all the words of advice he gave...
Take what you want, but eat what you take!
No, Yellow Lights!
It's Hell getting OLD!
Grandpa was the definition of Work Hard, Play Hard!
The last few weeks as I went home to see him I couldn't help trying to soak up everything he said! He told me how proud he and Grammy are of me...How Grandma is a special lady (he told me Grandma tripped him!...because he fell for her!)...and how much he loved me and was grateful for the things we did for he and Grandma!
The last day I was there he and Grandma talked about how they met...I thought about that alot this week, how their meeting effected so much, my whole life! How grateful I am for example and strength he was in my life. For teaching his son (my dad) to be the person he is!
I love you SweetHeart...That's my Grandpa! I life well lived, a life well spent!
So this clip was on AFV Best of the Best from like 1998! Dave put it on my ipod and I just go these fancy dancy cords that hook to the tv so everyone can enjoy the many wonders of my ipod! Anyways... I was watching them the other day with my room mates...and this one came on! So funny-I was afraid I would have to revive Megs...she was laughing so hard...were talking tears done the face, kinda laughing! So for all you dorky bloggers out there...laugh it up!~
This is my new favorite thing on you tube...You know you've found true love if they sweet talk you with fine French food! little croissant, it's ridiculous!
So the other day Kate, Whitney and I went shopping, so inevitable three grown women found the children's play things and felt the need to go take pictures! toys are cushy...we were thinking they were hard, not to fun to play on, but oh-con-trair...they are all soft and plush like! Try it out...beware...they can be addicting
Logan has to be the prettiest place to spend your first fall away from home. I was missing seeing the leaves chance at home, staring at them over the Corn Stand, selling pumpkins, corn stalks and hay...they I realized..hey...Leaves change in Logan too! Campus is so pretty right now, I'm just soakin' it up before it's cold and I want to live in St. George! I really love it up here, I've met some really great people too! The Lord has a way of putting people in my path that I need! He always has, I've always been blessed with such great friends, and He has led me to them here in Logan too! I'm just so grateful for that!
These are 2 of my 3 roomies, Mandy and Megs! Can I just great!!! We love watching movies, tv on dvd...since we are too cheap to go for cable! Our current fav; Veronica Mars...we're on the second season! So fab!
Well, happy Fall...All, man I'm such a Utahn!